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Bargain Hunt, the daytime TV favourite which sees two teams of amateur collectors face off against each other to bag the best bargains celebrates three meaningful events in the coming weeks.

Time to Help Out

On Friday 7 June at 12.15pm on BBC One, to mark the start of national volunteering event ‘The Big Help Out’ (Friday 7 – Sun 9 June), Natasha Raskin Sharp presents Bargain Hunt: Time to Help Out.

At Newark antiques fair, experts Danny Sebastian and Kate Bliss lend a hand to two teams of young volunteers, eager to share their passion to make a difference in their local communities. On the red team are friends Nancy and Ellen who volunteer at a foodbank and a historic house. They’re up against dynamic duo Melvin and Darryl, social justice ambassadors for several projects which empower young people.

Presenter Natasha gets hands-on when she visits an inspiring voluntary project in Shropshire run by a merry band of bee-keepers. They’ve worked tirelessly to turn an overgrown and abandoned historic site into a thriving community hub which combines nature, history, art and education.

Barking Hunt

For the first time ever, on Friday 14 June at 12.15pm on BBC One, animals and antiques come together for a pet themed extravaganza! ‘Barking Hunt’ celebrates the RSPCA’s 200th anniversary in style, as the red and blue teams are joined by their pet pooches, dressed in doggy Bargain Hunt fleeces, to sniff out some bargains.

Filmed at Shepton Mallet antiques fair in Somerset, presenter Christina Trevanion is top dog, while experts Caroline Hawley and Thomas Forrester try to keep the teams and their pets in check.

On the red team, Matt and Georgie are joined by their spaniel Sprocket and Val and Rachael on the blue team are joined by Jack the Jack Russell.

Then it’s off to Chippenham where auctioneer Tim Weeks introduces his black and white collie Roxy, before getting on the rostrum to sell the teams’ lots. But this time, the reds and blues aren’t just battling for golden gavel glory, their pets are hoping to walk away with the ultimate prize – a golden bone!

All About D-Day

This is off the back off Monday’s episode (3 June) which marked the 80th anniversary of D-Day. Danny Sebastian presented Bargain Hunt: All About D-Day, to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

Danny learns how the beaches of South West Wales played a vital role in helping troops train for the Normandy landings. He also meets photographer Seimon Pugh-Jones who owns a mobile museum with fascinating artefacts which were used in the Hollywood movie Saving Private Ryan and TV series Band of Brothers.

Meanwhile, two teams of veterans who’ve served in the Royal Air Force and the Women's Royal Naval Service are shopping at a huge antiques fair at the National Botanic Garden of Wales in Carmarthenshire. On the red team, Carolyn and Irene are guided by expert Stephanie Connell, whilst friends Dan and Mike on the blue team are keen to tap into John Cameron’s knowledge of militaria.


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