Here's a rundown of what to expect in tonight's episode of Big Brother, which continues on ITV2 and ITVX.

With the finishing line in and life-changing prize of £90k in sight, Big Brother decides the six finalists deserve a little pampering. And who better to offer their expert R and R services than Hanah and Emma. But, as always with Big Brother, there’s a sneaky little twist.
Calling them both to the Diary Room, Big Brother says, “Hanah, Emma, today Big Brother has a special task just for you two… you’re going to become beauty therapists and bring the relaxation of a spa to the Big Brother Bathroom.”
Emma says, “Can I do lip fillers, Big Brother?”
Big Brother responds, “No.”
Emma says, “I wonder if there’s like a head reduction treatment…”
Both Emma and Hanah giggle and say, “…for Nathan.”
Big Brother asks, “Who do you think is in the most need of a pre-finale glow up?”
Hanah wastes no time in replying, “Nathan.”
Emma agrees, “Nathan, without a shadow of a doubt.”
Hanah adds, “With his feet too, babes.”
Emma says, “Oh, I don’t have to touch his trotters, do I?”
Big Brother then instructs them that they will each have two housemates ‘clients’ to give treatments too.
Hanah says, “Oh another treatment [rolls her r’s] … I’m joking!”
Emma responds, “I’m not doing happy endings, Big Brother.”
Will Emma and Hanah be able convince their ‘client’ housemates to spill what’s on their minds?
The Housemates reflect on the past six weeks in the Big Brother house and play a game of Badge of Honour. Each Housemate must try and earn the badges by sharing a personal story from their time in the house.
For the final badge up for grabs, housemates share a story about their Biggest Transformation in the House.
Emma says, “… to believe that I was a valid housemate… I now feel that I have earned the right to be a Housemate…”
Marcello says, “My transformation I guess is to do with you again, Ali. I do wanna be myself all the time, but I also don’t wanna offend people. You know when I realised that I’d upset someone or offended them, it made me become more conscious of my behaviour and make sure that I’m having a good time whilst not jeopardising anyone else’s time.”
Nathan says, “So this one for me, like I’ll be honest, cards on the table, when I came in here, I thought there was no way I was gonna like anyone in here, never mind like really care for them. And them obviously you’ve got Baked Tattie [Rosie] as well and for me, that is a massive transformation ‘cause I don’t really like talking about feelings at all. And then to come on here and do it in quite a serious way, yeah is quite a major transformation, yeah.”
Emma responds, “Dare I say it you thought you’d never, you didn’t need anyone. But you ended up coming on here and let’s say, you fell in love.”
The Housemates cheer, Emma says, “Get the badge.”
Segun asks Hanah to go for chat.
Hanah says, “Yeah, I don’t mind. However, I’ll probably need Ali for support.”
Segun responds, “What’ve I done?”
Hanah says, “Don’t feel ganged up on, it’s just for me to articulate my points properly.”
Ali and Hanah go upstairs, before Segun joins them, he goes to the kitchen for water.
Nathan says, “What are those two up to?”
Segun responds, “We’re having a conversation… so Hanah’s like she needs to have a conversation with me and she’s brining Ali to chat with me.”
Nathan says, “The three of you are gonna… Ali’s the mediator? What?”
Segun says, “Yeah, I didn’t even know anything was wrong. Genuinely I just found out about this now.”
Upstairs, Segun asks, “What have I done now? What’s going on?”
Hanah responds, “It’s not what you’ve done, it’s you… your actions. Sit down.”
With confusion and quite a bit of awkwardness in the air, will Hanah and Segun be able to find clarity in their relationship?
Big Brother continues tonight at 9pm on ITV2 and ITVX. Stream previous episodes now.