The BBC have reportedly commissioned a new drama inspired by Marek Kohn's non-fiction book Dope Girls: The Birth Of The British Drug Underground.
The six-part series, as reported by Deadline, will be produced by His Dark Materials creators and co-producers of Doctor Who, Bad Wolf. The BBC reportedly see the drama as a "spiritual successor to Peaky Blinders".
The series will follow the 'birth of the nightclub scene in Soho' and is inspired by the true story of 42-year-old single mother Kate Meyrick. In the 1920s, Mayrick creates the nightclub empire and criminal family enterprise, becoming the most dangerous woman in London.
Her nightclubs are fuelled by alcohol and drugs, often taken up by veterans and survivors of World War 1 to help forget their trauma. The series is reportedly penned by Polly Stenham and Alex Warren.
Filming is understood to commence later this year. The BBC declined to comment when approached by TV Zone. More details will be announced in due course.