Hit BBC daytime drama, Father Brown, has returned to filming for the ninth series this month after production was put on hold last year due to lockdown.
The new series (10x45') will include a special programme to mark the 100th episode, which is set on New Year’s Eve. The new series will air in early 2022 on BBC One daytime.
Mark Williams says: “We love telling our stories as much as the world loves watching them. A modest, warm daytime drama that achieves one hundred episodes and global success. Who’d have thought it?”
Mark stars alongside returning cast members; Sorcha Cusack (Mrs McCarthy), Jack Deam (Inspector Mallory) and John Burton (Sergeant Goodfellow) are Alex Price (Sid Carter), Nancy Carroll (Lady Felicia), Emer Kenny (Bunty Windermere) and John Light (Hercule Flambeau).
The 100th episode, The Red Death, will see Lady Felicia and her husband Monty host a lavish masked ball counting down to 1954. However, their plans are ruined when the Minster of Defence, Sir Charles Hakeworth is murdered by a masked figure. With the estate locked down and a killer in the midst Father Brown and the gang must find the real perpetrator.
Guest cast appearances in the 100th episode will include Richard Dillane (Sir Charles Hakeworth) Alexander Hanson (Lord ‘Monty’ Montague), Gemma Page (Lady Agnes Hakeworth), Caleb Frederick (Dr Elliot Muthomi), Nicholas Audsley (Robert Earl of Finchmore) and Cam Spence (Ruth Moulton).
Carla-Maria Lawson, Head of Daytime & Early Peak, says: “Father Brown’s canny observations and remarkable powers of sleuthing continue to thrill not only BBC daytime viewers but audiences around the world, who find the themes in the series just as relevant today as they were in GK Chesterton’s time. We’re delighted to be bringing more of his adventures to screen soon.”
Will Trotter, Executive Producer for BBC Studios, says: “It’s an incredible achievement to get to 100 episodes. The much loved show goes from strength to strength.”
Father Brown is produced by the BBC Studios Daytime Drama Unit in Birmingham. The Script Producer is Neil Irvine, the Producer is David Lewis Richardson and the Executive Producer is Will Trotter. Helen Munson is the Commissioning Editor for BBC Daytime.
Series nine will air on BBC One daytime in early 2022.