Ready to Mingle is the new reality dating game show coming to ITV2 this autumn. Hosted by Katherine Ryan, the show follows a single girl in her quest to find the perfect boyfriend, as 12 male suitors compete for her affections and the opportunity to share a £50,000 cash prize.
However, in a mischievous twist, some of these guys are already in relationships. Not only do some have partners but those very partners aren’t so far away – in fact they’re watching every move their boyfriends make. Play the game well, come across as convincingly single, and it could be a partnered-up boy scooping the cash prize.
Meet the "single" contestants:
^Toby Bougouneau, 24, Manchester
^Malcolm Modele, 33, London
^Rudi Senghore, 27, St Albans
^Louis Hart, 24, Devon
^Louie Akinwale, 27, Essex
^Lewis Croker, 24, Somerset
^John Okafor, 22, London
Elliott Miles, 28, Hertfordshire
^Hakeem Amao, 32, London
^Drew Wedlake, 26, Bristol
^Chris Baber, 27, Newquay
^Casey Sonnekus, 22, Bridgend
Ready To Mingle begins Monday 6th September at 9pm on ITV2, and continues weekdays.