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Michelle de Swarte stars as Mia, a former catwalk model who is on the run, mainly from herself. Long term it’s a story of personal renewal but for now, the stark reality is that her career is over, she’s flat broke and she’s homeless.

This is a woman who despite her humble beginnings has become accustomed, possibly even addicted, to the finer things in life.

Unfortunately, those lifestyle choices don’t carry much currency when you’re pushing 40 and permanently sofa surfing. She may have a high falutin’ attitude and a world class skincare regime but Mia’s now living on the breadline.

Michelle says: “To have my first commission as a writer for the BBC seems like some sort of fever dream. The shows I watched growing up are like landmarks in my memory, so to be able to share a space with those shows in someone else's mind is more than I ever thought possible!”

Executive Producer Jack Bayles adds: “Michelle has a truly unique world view and has brilliantly captured the moment with Spent. This is a head on collision between the high life and real life. It’s a glorious mess and we can’t wait to share it.”

Spent (6 x 30) is a VAL-TV production for BBC Two and BBC iPlayer. It was commissioned by Jon Petrie, Director of BBC Comedy.


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